Financial Aid
Financial Aid Policy & Programs
The 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 believes that the opportunity for a college education should be within the reach of all interested individuals. The College's 经济援助计划的目的是帮助学生寻求教育,但 缺乏融资的手段. 财政援助办公室的一个目的是提供帮助 students who have a financial need to acquire resources to fund their education.
所有被pg电子app下载录取并申请经济援助的学生都将被考虑 不论种族、信仰、肤色、宗教、国籍、性别、 age, or disability. 获得经济资助的学生必须取得令人满意的进步 继续他们的资格,并有出席所有注册课程的记录. 协助完成财政援助申请过程可通过 your local advisor.
There are several types of financial aid available to pg电子app下载 students, including:
- Federal Pell Grants
- 联邦补充教育机会补助金
- 联邦工作学习,校园奖学金
- 外/私人奖学金.
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院's school code for the FAFSA is 015339.
ACT College Code: 7953
Certain persons may qualify for special forms of financial aid, such as vocational 康复,退伍军人福利,印第安事务局高等教育补助金 (FAFSA must be completed and strict deadlines) and Adult Vocational Training, and 劳动力发展法案资金. Early application for all financial aid funding sources is strongly encouraged. A preferred date of 30 days prior to the start of attendance is suggested.
所有助学金和奖学金将记入学生账户,以支付项目费用 比如学费和杂费. If student aid exceeds the educational expense, the excess amount will be refunded to the student according to the pg电子app下载 financial aid disbursement schedule up to the 最高出勤费用. 助学金和奖学金的目的是只涵盖 你的教育费用.
Financial Aid Office
pg电子app下载经济援助办公室是学生的官方机构保管处 financial aid records. Financial aid information and applications are available through this office. The Financial Aid Office works with students, parents, and counselors 确定获得一种或几种经济援助的资格 帮助支付教育费用的援助.
所有在pg电子app下载攻读正规学位或证书的学生都对金融感兴趣 助学金或奖学金必须填写联邦学生免费申请 (FAFSA)在注册课程之前. The FAFSA form is at pg电子app下载对FAFSA的学校代码是 015339. 如果你是一个独立的学生,你将在这个在线申请上签名 your parent or guardian will need to sign using their own pin#.
第一次,新的 MyStudentAid mobile app makes it possible for you to complete the FAFSA on your phone or tablet. 你可以为你的 Apple or Android device.
The application should be completed only after parents and/or students have filed federal income taxes. 使用准确的实际数据尽快完成FAFSA figures from your income tax forms (1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ forms). If you do not have 一份你的纳税申报表副本,你可以使用上面的链接 查阅您的税务资料. 如果您还没有提交联邦纳税申报表,请咨询 金融援助办公室或AAR员工.
这个申请将决定你和你的家人应该贡献多少 支付你的大学费用,并证明你有资格申请联邦援助项目, 部落高等教育,以及校园奖学金. 处理FAFSA申请 takes seven to ten days once all Pin #’s (signatures) are submitted.
学生将被考虑所有类型的联邦,州或机构资助 some funds are on a first-come, first-served basis so apply as early as possible. For additional information regarding financial aid, scholarship opportunities, and policies contact the Financial Aid Office or your local advisor.
联邦法规要求参加联邦财政援助的机构 项目衡量学生的进步. 除非机构同意,否则不得支付资金 determines that the student is maintaining satisfactory progress in the course of 根据该机构的标准和惯例,他/她正在从事的研究 学生出席的会议. 在每学期结束时 all students will be evaluated for satisfactory academic progress.
要取得令人满意的成绩,每个学生都必须满足质量、数量、 及资助限额准则.
Grade Point Average (GPA) as defined by their attempted credit hours:
Freshman: A student who has attempted 0 to 15 credits – CGPA Required 1.5
Freshman 2: A student who has attempted 16 to 30 credits – CGPA required 1.75
Sophomore: A student who has attempted 31 or more credits – CGPA required 2.0
A, B, C, D或P的成绩至少占累计尝试学分的67%
term. A grade of F, UW, W, or I, is considered an unsuccessful grade.
pg电子app下载 does count the following grades as hours attempted and they are calculated into CGPA:
● Grade of an “F”
pg电子app下载 does not 将以下课程计算为尝试或获得.
● Audited classes
学生的量化进度将以累积学分/累积学分计算 Attempted Credit. For example: A student attempting 12 credit hours in a term and successfully completing 6 will not be meeting Criteria 2 requirements.
未能达到这些标准的学生被认为取得了令人不满意的进步 和财政援助将受到影响. 学生将收到书面通知 从财政援助办公室了解他们的情况. 副本也将提供给 the Academic Dean, the Registrar and the student’s Faculty advisor. Students not meeting minimum standards will be subject to Financial Aid Warning or Suspension.
经济援助警告、停学、留校察看、学业计划和恢复资格 are defined under Academic Progress.
It is the student's responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office when he/she has met the satisfactory academic progress requirements for reinstatement. Students 如学生被给予经济资助警告或停学,会否收到书面通知.
所有的联邦财政援助资格被限制在公布长度的150% 该机构的教育项目. 因此,对学生的资助有限制 在pg电子app下载注册的学生将根据申报的个人情况进行评估 有关尝试学分的程序. 超过这个资助限额,学生将会 预计将自费继续上课. 从 another institution will be calculated in the cumulative total of the 150%. Appeals 可通过学生学术委员会(教务长、 学生服务主任,注册主任,财政援助主任,学生计费主任等 Faculty member).
● Federal PELL grant
● Must enroll in a program of study leading to a degree or certificate
● Must be a U.S. 公民或符合条件的非公民
from any college. If you need assistance with this process contact your Financial
Aid Director.
● Must have a high school diploma or complete a GED before receiving aid.
● Must be registered with selective service if male and 18 years or older
● Must be making satisfactory progress if a continuing student
奖学金数额是根据出勤费用、入学状况、上一年的收入、 以及每学年的入学人数. 学生必须在场 在班上表现良好. 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院不提供联邦奖学金 Direct Loans.
tribes. 有兴趣申请BIA高等教育补助金或成人职业教育补助金的学生
In order to complete the application process for Tribal grants, students must have completed a FAFSA. Deadlines for these programs vary for the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters or sessions. 请与你的注册机构核实确切的截止日期. BIA funding 是有限的,所以尽早申请.
组织和个人. 每个奖学金的标准和奖励金额各不相同.
or campus Advisors.
scholastic achievement. These scholarships may be awarded to any student who has demonstrated
学业成绩优异,经济需求未得到满足. 奖学金的一部分
American (descendancy proof also allowed) or Nebraska residents. This scholarship
as the
student persists from fall to spring and following fall and spring terms.
- 学生必须在高中毕业或完成后9个月内入学 他们最后的通识教育文凭.
- Full time students (at least 12 credits) will be eligible for $1000.00 annually
- 学生必须在每年秋季和春季学期入学,直到他们从pg电子app下载毕业.
- 学生必须保持2分.0 CGPA
- 从第二学期开始,学生将被要求保持良好的学业成绩 standing.
- Nebraska resident or member of a Federally Recognized tribe or show descendancy by 提供出生证明和父母登记(向登记办公室咨询) additional questions).
- Students will not be required to demonstrate need for financial aid.
High School Graduates not attending full time will receive a $500.00 scholarship the 入学第一年.
- 学生必须在高中毕业或完成后9个月内入学 他们最后的通识教育文凭.
- Students will not be required to demonstrate need for financial aid.
在入学的第一天. 符合条件的老年人需付费
与学生服务相关的费用. 支付学费的学生有优先权
Summer Tuition Waiver
完成课程作业. 学生必须寻求所有经济援助的可能性
在收到这份弃权书之前. 夏季的豁免应在开始时提交
of the term.
Other Scholarships
● BRAN Scholarship
● EDUQuest Scholarship
● NASA scholarship
● Students are encouraged to complete an on-going Internet search for the hundreds
Students must understand that applying for a scholarship does not necessarily mean 该学生将获得奖学金. 所有奖学金都是竞争性的, 在大多数情况下,与高平均成绩,良好的出勤率和/或未满足的需求有关. 所有奖学金的截止日期都严格遵守. 大多数奖学金都需要书面证明 申请人的论文,照片或其他文件.
所有要求的入学和经济援助文件必须完整存档 在获得任何经济援助之前. Each student's financial aid is credited to their student account in the Business 在办公室收到的订单. 所有机构收费,包括学费、杂费、 books, materials, and supplies are deducted from the financial aid award(s). If a student's financial aid exceeds institutional charges, the student will receive a refund. College students will receive their financial aid in up to two disbursements per term. Federal funds will be disbursed the sixth week and throughout the term with 出勤和学术成绩证明. 被认定为“不出席”的学生 前四周旷工过多,他们的助学金将被取消 直到中期审查进展为止. 非联邦资金将在期间/之后支付 the 10th week. No funds will be awarded until they are received from the awarding agency.
Students, who withdraw from all of their courses or stop attending during a term, 他们的奖励是否会按照通常提到的第四章的要求重新计算 to as R2T4. This calculation is done by the Financial Aid Director and the funds are returned. Students may also have scholarship monies reduced if they have not met criteria of the scholarship.